Mantras for Business

Owning a business creates so much doubt in our minds. I’ve often thought that owning a business has brought all of my greatest fears to the surface and made me question exactly what I’m capable of in my life. It’s not an easy road, and almost every single business owner will say some version of that. But we didn’t sign up for this life because we thought it would be easy (I hope? Otherwise you are in for a rude surprise). Most of us wanted freedom to live our days the way we want to, or freedom in creative options and choices. Whether we get that or not, is another story. I’ve seen so many entrepreneurs who become stuck because of fear. They feel paralyzed because of all of the people who project their fears onto them and live in the land of “I could do that if only I had time…wasn’t tired….had more money”, when they had started so hopeful and excited about their business.

Let’s see if we can get some of that hope back. Often, our success is right behind our fear and the blockages that arise from that fear. One thing that we love to do when we feel low are affirmations or mantras that push us to keep going and believe in ourselves. What could your business mantra be?

When building a mantra or affirmations, consider the following questions:

  • Why did you become a business owner?

  • What made you want to be in the industry you are in?

  • What do you feel is the purpose of what you do?

  • How can you feel rewarded through your work?

  • What would make you happy and excited to start your day?

  • What is one thing you love about your talent or the work that you do?

Some mantras that may come from this:

  1. I help people to grow their business and succeed.

  2. My skills are needed in this world.

  3. I am here to help others improve their lives.

  4. I am an excellent leader, owner, partner, etc.

  5. My business has made a difference in many people’s lives.

  6. I deserve to be in this industry.

  7. My work makes a difference to many people in xyz state, country, city.

  8. Taking a break helps me to come back recharged.

I like to use mantras whenever a negative mindset or thought starts to creep in to get me back on track, but mantras can be used in many different ways in our lives. They may help you to start your day, get ready for bed and clear your mind, pep talk you before a huge event or speaking engagement, assure you as you leave for a networking meeting, or aid you in taking care of yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself each day. Personal mantras are also very helpful, but try them for your business, too!



The Meaning of Wellness in Business


Give Me A Break! How to Take Care of Yourself As a Business Owner