Business Wellness Consulting

Are you feeling stuck, stagnant or overwhelmed in your business?

Maybe you have a marketing campaign idea, but aren’t sure about the best way to execute. You also probably want to make sure you get the ROI that you desire from the campaign before you spend the time working on it. No one, I mean no one, wants to feel that they’ve wasted their time!

We offer two easy consulting packages where we meet bi-weekly for either 3 or 6 months, depending on project or idea. 

Many business owners wear several hats, so marketing may not be their forté, however they want to invest in learning more for themselves or to bring back to their team!

Bring your project, concern, interests and goals to us, and we will help you organize them and provide our expertise to help guide you through the pieces that feel overwhelming. We will also bring our knowledge to the table to help simplify the process and make this project easier to manage.

Computer perched on a railing with scenic background.

Consulting services are for those who:

  • Want to simplify their social media or digital marketing process.

  • Who feel they are spinning their wheels with their branding or marketing and want clear direction and assistance.

  • Those who prefer to take projects at their own pace with a customized solution-based approach to moving forward.

  • Business owners who need a sounding board and help from someone who they can trust to be non-judgemental and with their best interests at heart.

  • Entrepreneurs looking to hear and speak with someone who has been in their shoes, lived the entrepreneur lifestyle for many years, and understands the highs and lows.

  • Need a listening ear from someone who cares and will help them personally, and who isn’t afraid to try new things and out-of-the-box ideas.

  • Someone looking for solutions that will not be overwhelming and will help them grow in sustainable, obtainable ways.

  • Business owners who seek to understand more about Digital Marketing and Brand Strategy (who love learning!).

  • Entrepreneurs who love owning their own business and want to continue growing it for years to come.

Topics We’ve Consulted on

  • Social Media Marketing Growth & Engagement 

  • Social Media Marketing Campaigns 

  • Creative Direction: Brand Photography

  • Effective Content Development 

  • Social Media Tweaks, Adjustments and Simplification 

  • Digital Marketing: Website Development 

  • Digital Marketing: Newsletter Development and Distribution 

  • Brand Ideas and Development 

  • Social Media Marketing Process, Scheduling and Management

What it includes

Meetups, Updates, & Check-ins:

Our one-on-one consulting meetings include a complimentary discovery meeting, two one-hour meetings monthly, weekly written updates, check-ins and project oversight. 

You will also receive

Market Research

A customized lesson plan for discussion/homework

A personal slack channel to ask questions throughout the weeks in between calls

Behind-the-scenes research into your industry and any particular concerns or questions you may have for Sarahbeth.

A 3 or 6-month agreement

(6 or 12 meetings total + complimentary discovery meeting)

Our Process and Timeline

  • Book an Introduction Call

  • We will discuss the project or idea 

  • After the call, our team will send over a proposal

  • Take your time and think it through!

  • After a proposal is signed, we will send over information needed before our first meeting & a link to schedule your discovery meeting

  • Discovery Meeting (included, complimentary in all packages)

  • During the Discovery meeting we will assess project goals, ROI and metrics, we will also set up your bi-weekly meetings.

  • Our team will create a plan for each session, and will email this plan to you before the first meeting. Each plan includes the topic for that session, the homework for you and/or your team, and finally what we will be working on between each session. 

Consulting Client Testimonials

  • “Sarahbeth has been instrumental in helping me push forward and be successful with my business. It has not been easy being a stay-at-home mom and entrepreneur. I thought I could only be successful working a certain way. Sarahbeth helped me develop better methods to work with my lifestyle while still recognizing and honoring my value as a mom and business owner. Sarahbeth truly wants to see me "win" which is evident in her approach and strategy.”

    Fathia Savory, Owner of Fathia Savory Stylist

  • "Sarahbeth has a way of teaching in a no-nonsense, straight forward way that truly speaks to me and she does it all with a warm and friendly heart as well! You can’t ask for a better guide through the current marketing world where traditional business values have shifted from where they were 20, 10 or even 5 years ago! The advice that Sarahbeth has given me has helped me reach a new level of growth that I simply would not have been able to achieve without her! And now people come to ME for digital marketing advice! And I tell them in order to learn from the best, you have to go with Sarahbeth!"

    Anna, Women’s Council of REALTORS®

  • “I found the Zoom Virtual Social Media Workshops incredibly helpful and informative. I am so glad I decided to sign up for all of them. The format was excellent and I love that I was able to ask direct question when I participated live. It was also super helpful to have private access to the recorded versions to review on my own and solidify my notes. Sarahbeth is very knowledgeable and good at explaining the various platforms and concepts. Plus, I love receiving bonus tips and tools that I was able to implement right away. Take it from me, someone that is very familiar with most Social Media platforms, there was still so much to get out of these workshops no matter what you current level of experience.”

    Tamika, Owner of Nylosi


Brand Strategy